Yes! the words are printed on both sides
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Simply add at least three items to your shopping cart (you can add 6 to access 2 Free, etc), then during the purchase process specified in “Notes to seller” the full name of the purse replica handbags desired free print. All prints of our store are included. The additional item Replica Bags Wholesale must be of KnockOff Handbags equal or lesser value. Please Wholesale Replica Bags dont buy the free article, just let us know what is your choice.
If you are looking for larger or smaller posters, this is perfect for you. Fake Designer Bags We created a dictionary page cheap replica handbags with a selection of fabulous words! aaa replica designer handbags (adventure, believe, dream, happy, hope, life, love best replica handbags , make, simple, true , wanderlust, and more!) texts taken from old dictionaries with wholesale replica designer handbags vintage style. Then we print this texts on cream paper high quality replica handbags using old printing machines. Finally we print our artwork on these pages. We have available a variety of sizes from Replica Handbags 5 x 7 in Handbags Replica to 16.5 x 23.4 and larger on request. Yes! the words are printed on both sides.
Done by mixed media from recycled Fake Handbags old dictionary pages and printing our original work. We recycle books before they are destroyed to turn them into a work of art Replica Bags perpetuating their life and avoiding the consumption of natural resources. Then we print our work and the result is visible, a new artwork that adds 100 years of history. Each artwork is unique. You Designer Fake Bags will receive a similar work with small differences in the original texts (Spanish) of the base, but it will be the replica handbags online same book. Each piece is original. Approximate size: 8 x 11.8 in. All prints are professionally produced in our studio to maintain quality standards.
Final printing colors may vary slightly from what you see on screen depending on each monitor.
You will only receive the print, frames replica Purse and other items are displayed for decoration.
5 x 7 in
A5 (5.8 x 8.3 in)
8 x 10 in
A4 (8.3 x 11.7 in)
11 x 14 in
A3 (11.7 x 16.5 in)
16 x 20 in
A2 (16.5 x 23.4 in)
20 x 30 in
A1 (23.4 x 33,1 in)
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8 x 11.8 in (approximately) Each piece is sealed replica handbags china in a clear plastic cover that will protect it from moisture during transport and then packed in a sturdy cardboard eco tube. Additional works will be sent together in the same tube in order to help the environment.